Published papers
Hilde J. P. Weerts, Raphaële Xenidis, Fabien Tarissan, Henrik Palmer Olsen, Mykola Pechenizkiy
In Proceedings of the
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and
Transparency (FAccT 2023), Chicago, USA, 2023.
Augustin Godinot, Fabien Tarissan
Applied Network Science, vol. 8, Springer, 2023.
Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach, Fabien Tarissan.
In Jurimétrie, Revue de la mesure des phénomènes juridiques, vol. 1, pp. 67--88, Presses Universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc, 2022.
P. R. Morales, R. Lamarche-Perrin, R. Fournier-S'niehotta, R. Poulain, L. Tabourier, F. Tarissan.
Computer Science, Vol. 859, 80-115, Elsevier, 2021.
Recommender systems increase exposure diversity. Or do they? A complex networks approach.
Augustin Godinot, Fabien Tarissan.
In Proceedings of
the 10th International
Conference on Complex Networks and their
Applications, Madrid, Spain, 2021.
Sebastian Billows, Sebastian Kohl, Fabien Tarissan.
In Journal of Common Market Studies, 59(4), 762-781, 2021.
Rémy Poulain, Fabien Tarissan.
In Information
Processing & Management, 57(2), Elsevier, 2020.
The Relevance of the Network Approach to European Case Law. Reflexion and Evidence.
Urška Šadl, Fabien Tarissan.
In New Legal Approaches to Studying the Court of Justice, Claire Kilpatrick and Joanne Scott eds, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law Series, Oxford University Press, 2020.
A random model that relies on maximal bicliques to
preserve the overlaps in bipartite
Fabien Tarissan, Lionel Tabourier.
In Proceedings of
the 8th International
Conference on Complex Networks and their
Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
Marwan Ghanem, Clémence Magnien, Fabien Tarissan.
In IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, IEEE, 2018.
Rémy Poulain, Fabien Tarissan.
In Proceedings of
the IEEE Fifth
International Conference on Social Networks Analysis,
Management and Security (SNAMS’18), IEEE, Valencia,
Spain, 2018.
How to exploit structural properties of dynamic networks to
detect nodes with high temporal closeness
Marwan Ghanem, Clémence Magnien, Fabien Tarissan.
In Cologne-Twente
Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2018
(CTW'18), Paris, France, 2018.
Comparaison de mesures de centralité basées sur les plus courts chemins dans les réeseaux dynamiques.
Marwan Ghanem, Clémence Magnien, Fabien Tarissan.
In 18ème
Conférence Internationale sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des
Connaissances (EGC'18), 2018.
Matthieu Latapy, Elie Rotenberg, Christophe Crespelle,
Fabien Tarissan.
In Journal of Complex
Systems, Complex Systems Publications, 26(1), 2017.
Raphaël Tackx, Fabien Tarissan, Jean-Loup Guillaume
In 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Lyon, France, 2017.
Yannis Panagis, Urska Sadl, Fabien Tarissan
In 30th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX'17), Luxemburg, 2017.
Fabien Tarissan, Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach.
In Journal of Complex Networks, 4(4):616--634, Oxford University Press, 2016.
Christina Lioma, Fabien Tarissan, Jakob Grue Simonsen, Casper Petersen, Birger Larsen
In ACM International Conference on the
Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR), Newark, DE, USA, 2016.
Fabien Tarissan, Yannis Panagis, Urska Sadl
In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social
Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), San Francisco, CA, USA,
Identification of Case Content with Quantitative Network
Analysis: an Example from the ECtHR
Martin Lolle Christensen, Henrik Palmer Olsen, Fabien Tarissan.
In 29th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX'16), Nice, France, 2016.
Jean-François Grailet, Fabien Tarissan, Benoit Donnet
In IFIP Traffic Monitoring and
Analysis workshop (TMA 2016), Louvain La Neuve,
Belgique, 2016.
[Best paper award]
Marwan Ghanem, Olivier Fourmaux, Fabien Tarissan, Takumi Miyoshi
In The 18th
Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium
(APNOMS'16), IEEE, Kanazawa, Japan,
Fabien Tarissan, Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach.
In 28th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX'15), Braga, Portugal, 2015.
Raphaël Tackx, Jean-Loup Guillaume, Fabien Tarissan
In IEEE Ninth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'15), Athènes, Grèce, 2015.
Clémence Magnien, Fabien Tarissan
In International
Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Big Data
Analytics (FAB), in conjunction
with International
Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and
Mining (ASONAM), Paris, France, 2015.
Romain Hollanders, Daniel Bernardes, Bivas Mitra, Raphael
Jungers, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Fabien Tarissan.
In Journal of Network Science, 2(3):341-266, Cambridge University Press, 2014.
Matthieu Latapy, Elie Rotenberg, Christophe Crespelle,
Fabien Tarissan.
In IFIP Networking, Trondheim, Norway, 2014.
Fabien Tarissan, Elie Rotenberg, Matthieu Latapy, Christophe Crespelle.
In IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecomunication Systems (MASCOTS'14), Paris, France, 2014.
Comparing overlapping properties of real bipartite networks
Fabien Tarissan
In ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems, Emergence, Complexity and Computation, Springer, 14:309-318, 2014.
Structures biparties et communautés recouvrantes des graphes de terrains
Tackx Raphaël, Maximilien Danisch and Fabien Tarissan.
In Acte de la 5ème Conférence sur les Modèles et l’Analyse des Réseaux : Approches Mathématiques et Informatique (MARAMI'14), Paris, France, 2014.
Fabien Tarissan, Bruno Quoitin, Pascal Mérindol, Benoit
Donnet, Matthieu Latapy and Jean-Jacques Pansiot
In Journal of Computer Networks, 57(11):2331-2347, Elsevier, 2013.
Daniel Bernardes, Matthieu Latapy, Fabien Tarissan
In Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 3(4):1195-1208, Springer, 2013.
Clémence Magnien, Amélie Medem, Sergey Kirgizov and Fabien
In Journal of Networking Science, 3(1-4):24-33, Springer, 2013.
[Best paper award]
Fabien Tarissan and
Raphaëlle Nollez-Goldbach
In ISCS 2013: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems, Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 8:255-264, Springer, 2013.
Aurélie Faure de Pebeyre, Fabien Tarissan and Julien Sopena.
In IFIP Wireless Days (WD), pp. 1-6, Valencia, Spain, 2013.
[Invited paper]
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Davide Careglio, Fabien Tarissan and Piet Demeester
In Proceedings of
the 5th
International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM 2013), pp. 222-228, Amlaty, Kazakhstan, 2013.
Évaluation du modèle évolutif par arête-markovienne pour reproduire la
dynamique des réseaux mobiles
Aurélie Faure de Pebeyre, Fabien Tarissan and Julien Sopena.
In Acte de la 4ème Conférence sur les Modèles et l’Analyse des Réseaux : Approches Mathématiques et Informatique (MARAMI'13), Saint-Etienne, France, 2013.
Émilie Coupechoux and Fabien Tarissan.
In Acte de la 4ème Conférence sur les Modèles et l’Analyse des Réseaux : Approches Mathématiques et Informatique (MARAMI'13), Saint-Etienne, France, 2013.
Dimitri Papadimitriou, Davide Careglio, Fabien Tarissan and Piet Demeester
In Proceedings of
the 9th
International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication
Networks (DRCN 2013) , pp. 20-27, Budapest, Hungary, 2013.
Studying the impact of measurement frequency on the IP-level routing topology dynamics.
Sergey Kirgizov, Clémence Magnien and Fabien Tarissan
In Proceedings
of 24ème édition du colloque Gretsi (Gretsi'13), Brest, France, 2013.
Daniel Bernardes, Matthieu Latapy and Fabien Tarissan
In Proceedings of
the 2012 IEEE/ACM
International Conference on Advances in Social Networks
Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2012), Istanbul, Turquie, 2012.
Amélie Medem, Clémence Magnien and Fabien Tarissan
In Proceedings of
the IEEE
International Workshop on Network Science For Communication
Networks (NetSciCom'12), Orlando, Floride, USA, 2012.
Daniel Bernardes, Matthieu Latapy and Fabien Tarissan
In Proceedings
of Quatorzièmes
Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques
des Télécommunications (Algotel’12) , La Grande Motte, France, 2012.
Amélie Medem, Clémence Magnien and Fabien Tarissan
In Proceedings
of Quatorzièmes
Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques
des Télécommunications (Algotel’12) , La Grande Motte, France, 2012.
Christophe Crespelle
Fabien Tarissan
In Journal of
Computer Communications, 34(5):635-648, Elsevier, 2011.
Leo Liberti, Sonia Cafieri and Fabien Tarissan
In A. Abraham, A.-E. Hassanien, P. Siarry (eds.),
of Computational Intelligence, Vol. 3, Studies
in Computational Intelligence series, 203:153-234,
Springer, New York, 2009.
Fabien Tarissan, Matthieu Latapy and Christophe Prieur
In Proceedings of
the IEEE
International Workshop on Network Science For Communication
Networks (NetSciCom'09), Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 2009.
Fabien Tarissan
and Camilo La Rota.
In Proceedings of the Cologne-Twente
Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2009
(CTW'09), Paris, France, 2009.
Cosimo Laneve
Fabien Tarissan
Computer Science, 404(2):127-141, Elvesier, 2008.
Fabien Tarissan, Leo Liberti and Camilo La Rota
Proceedings of the
European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'08),
Jerusalem, Israel, 2008.
Camilo La Rota, Fabien Tarissan and Leo Liberti
Proceedings of the
American Conference on Operational Research (CLAIO'08),
Carthagène des Indes, Colombie, 2008.
Vincent Danos,
Jean Krivine
Fabien Tarissan
Proceedings of the
Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics
(SOS'06), Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 175(1):19-32,
Elsevier, Bonn, Allemagne, 2007.
Cosimo Laneve
Fabien Tarissan
Proceedings of the
on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process
Calculi (MeCBIC'06),
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
, 171(2):139-154, Elsevier, Venise, Italie, 2007.
[long version]
Vincent Danos
Fabien Tarissan
In Natural
Computing International Journal, 6(3):339-358,
Springer Verlag, 2006.
[short version]
Vincent Danos
Fabien Tarissan
In Proceedings of the
International Work-conference on the
Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation (IWINAC
Notes in Computer Sciences, 3561:498-507,
Springer, Îles Canaries, Espagne, 2005.
Thesis (in french)
The thesis was supervised by
Vincent Danos
and defended on 13th December 2006 before:
Guy Cousineau | Chairman |
Vincent Danos | Supervisor |
Nadia Busi | Referee |
Jean-Louis Giavitto | Referee |
Alessandra Carbone | Examiner |