Projects and scientific network
Project leader
Leader of the projet AlgoJust, scheme Aide à la Décision 2023, funded by CNRS, 2023–2025.
Leader of the project RÉCITAL, joint international
research program (PICS) with Danmark, CNRS Project,
Leader of the project Explicabilité des Modèles
Prédictifs dans le domaine Juridique (EMOJI), CNRS
project, PEPS S2IH (Science de l'information en interaction
avec l'Humain), 2018.
Leader of the project Droit et Réseaux d'interaction Multi-échelle (DORÉ), CNRS project, PEPS HuMaIn scheme (Humanité - Mathématiques - sciences de l'Information), 2013 and 2014.
Deputy for UPMC of the
project Experimental
UpdateLess Evolutive Routing (EULER), European project
FIRE/STREP, 2010-2013.
Leader of the project DynGo : Study of probabilistic dissemination algorithms on real, random and dynamic topologies, LIP6 project, 2013.
Leader of the project: caracterization of inter-contact networks dynamics, LIP6 project, 2011.
Member of projects and scientific networks
Member of the french projet
Apy (Entre
réseaux complexes et marché : YouTube au prisme des Sciences
sociales computationnelles), ANR funding, 2020–2024.
Member of the
project AlgoDiv
: Information diversity and Algorithmic Recommendation, ANR funding, 2016-2019.
Member of GDR AR-SHS
: Analyse de réseaux en sciences humaines et
Member of GDR NoST
: Normes, Sciences et Techniques.
Member of
the MIT thematic
pole of the CNRS Institute for Communication Sciences (ISCC).
Member of the
DynGraph project: Dynamics of Graph Topologies, ANR JCJC funding, 2010-2013.
Member of the european project
Morphex :
Morphogenesis and gene regulatory networks in plants and
animals, European project NEST/STREP, 2007-2009.
Member of the ARC MOCA : Modularité, Compositionalité et
Abstraction dans les réseaux géniques et protéiques,
of the RNCS: Réseau
National des Systèmes Complexes (french complex system
of the CSS: Complex Systems Society.
Scientific responsibilities
Board member
PC member
Sunbelt : 2018, 2020.
DCNET : 2018.
ComplexNetworks : 2017, 2018.
CELSE : 2018.
EUSN : 2016.
AlgoTel : 2013, 2014, 2015, 2018.
MARAMI : 2010, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2019.
MERMAT : 2013.
FGG : 2013, 2014, 2015.
Scientific events
- Co-organiser of the session
entitled Network Science &
Law in
the XL Sunbelt
Conference, Paris, France, 2020.
- President of the organizing committee of the workshop « informatique débranchée » (Computer Science Unplugged), Gaîté Lyrique, 2019.
- Member of the scientific commettee of the thematic school Analyse de réseaux et complexité, Cargèse, 2018.
- Co-organiser of the session
entitled Network Science &
Law in
the XXXVIII Sunbelt
Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2018.
- Member of the organizing commettee of the training program Médiation Scientifique en Informatique, SIF, Toulouse, 2018.
- President of the organizing committee of the Congrès SIF 2018 L'informatique au carrefour des sciences, Palais de la Découverte & Sorbonne Université, 2018.
- Organiser on the behalf of SIF for the workshop « Une éthique des algorithmes : une exigence morale et un avantage concurrentiel », co-organised with the CERNA and CNIL, Institut Mines-Telecom, 2017.
- Co-organiser of the workshop Données personnelles et sensibles. Quels enjeux pour la recherche en SHS ?, ISP, 2017.
- Co-organizer of the lab seminar Analyse
de données en sciences sociales, ISP, since 2017.
- Co-organiser of the session entitled Network Science &
Law in
the European
Conference on Social Networks (EUSN'17), Mainz,
Germany, 2017.
- Co-organiser of the intensive
seminar The
Network Approach to (Case) Law, European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italie, 2016.
Organiser of the
conference MARAMI, Paris, 2014.
- Organiser of the one-day workshop on Dynamics of graphs, Paris, 2012.
In charge of the team seminar 2009-2011.
Member of organising committee of the international
Graph Theory and Combinatorial
Optimization (CTW09), June 2009.
Member of the selection committees : ENSTA (2017), IRIF (2018), UNISTRA (2019).
Member of the committee for
the Prix de thèse Gilles Kahn given by the SIF, 2017--2020.
Member of the scientific council for
the Digital
Technology Meetings Awards 2016, ANR, 2016.
Member de Ph.D. advisor committees: Thomas Bourgeau (UPMC, 2011),
Ruijing Hu (UPMC, 2012), Oana Iova (Univ. Strasbourg, 2013),
Fran ̧cois Clad (Univ. Strasbourg, 2013), Adel Ait-hamlat
(UPMC, 2016), Louis Verny (UPMC, 2016), Catalina Obando (UPMC, 2017).
Reviewer for
the Joint-Programm Inter Carnot Fraunhofer (PICF) of the French National
Research Agency (ANR) and the German Ministry for Research
(BMBF), 2011.
Edited book: Proceedings of the Cologne-Twente Workshop on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2009, with S. Cafieri,
A. Mucherino, G. Nannicini et L. Liberti, 405 pages.
Contribution for the proposal
roadmap for Complex Systems,
Cargèse (France), 2008.
Promoting computer science
- Mentor for computer science projects in elementary school
on behalf of Les
Savanturiers (5th and 6th grade), 2017.
- Organiser of computer science activities in kindergarten, 2017.
- Mentor for the Class'Code project,
Coordinator of the french Science Festival for the LIP6, 2013-2015.
Teacher of high school teachers for the Paris Educational District, computer science courses, 2011-2013.
Member of the ITIC think tank promoting the
teaching of computer science in high school, since 2010.