Time Evolution of the Importance of Nodes in Dynamic Networks

New version of the code available here

Note: a new version of the code, solving some bugs, is available at: https://bitbucket.org/complexnetworks/closeness_centrality_marwan

We provide below for archival reasons the code that was used for the paper Time Evolution of the Importance of Nodes in Dynamic Networks, by Clémence Magnien and Fabien Tarissan (proceedings of the International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Big Data Analytics (FAB), in conjunction with ASONAM, 2015).

This paper proposed a new approach to evaluate the importance of nodes in dynamic networks, based on the idea that paths and paths durations are not the same throughout the network time span.

This page provides the programs used in this paper. The program is provided 'as is', with absolutely no warranty. It is written in C, designed for use on Unix/Linux systems, but it should be easily portable to any platform.

You may use and distribute this code, provided that you cite the paper above and this web page. You may also write us an e-mail (clemence.magnien at lip6.fr) if you find it useful, if you find a bug, or have any improvement.
