**** Goal **** 'analyse' is a bash script which computes different properties of the dynamics of mobile networks. *********** parameters *********** The script takes two parameters: the name of the input file and the name of the output repository ******* Format ******* The input file format is the following. Each line is composed of 4 integers separated by a blank: n1 n2 tb te where n1 and n2 stand for the two nodes in contact and tb and te stand respectively for the beginning and the end of a contact observed continuously. Node numbers must start from 1. ****** Output ****** The script generates 4 output files: - SPLIT_filename.gz: ------------------------------ Contains a conversion of the input file into the following format: n1 n2 t k where k (string "A" or "S") stand for the kind of event occuring at time t between n1 and n2: A = added at time t S = removed at time t Note: the file is gzipped. - TDEG_filename.gz: ------------------------------ Contains a matrix providing, for each time step (t) the number of links (l) and the degree (d) of every nodes (each line stands for a different time step): t l d1 d2 ... dn Note: the file is gzipped. - MET_filename: ------------------------ Contains 4-upplets describing the number of links (l) in the network, the mean degree (m) and the standard deviation (std) for each time step (t): t l m std - PD_filename: ---------------------------- Contains 7-upplets describing the time (t), the number of links (mb) before t, the number of links (ma) after t, the number of new links (nl), the number of removed links (rl), the fraction of new links (fnl) over all possible new links and the fraction of removed links (frl) over all possible removed links: t mb ma nl rl fnl frl Note1: only time steps for which an event occurs (either addition or suppression of links) generate such a line. Note2: the fractions fnl and frl are set to -1 if the denominator is 0. - PD_COMP_filename: --------------------------------- Same file as before but contains also lines for time steps with no addition nor deletion of links.