Matthieu Latapy March 2006 This README file describes succintly the triangle computation program provided at the author's webpage above. The program is a C source file 'tr.c'. It is provided 'as is' with no warranty. You may use and distribute it, provided you cite the web page above, and the paper: Fast and Compact Algorithms for Triangle Problems in Very Large (Sparse (Power-Law)) Graphs Matthieu Latapy, Submitted, 2006. (A preprint is available on my web page.) The program is designed for Linux/Unix systems but may be compiled on any 'reasonable' platform. See below. Please write me an e-mail if you find it useful, if you find some bugs or have any idea to improve it. * QUICKSTART * ************** 1. Compile the program: gcc -O3 tr.c -o tr 2. Run it: ./tr -c -cc -cf < data_file for use of the 'compact forward' algorithm (see paper above), or ./tr -c -cc -n 100 < data_file for use of the new algorithm proposed in the paper above. * INPUT FORMAT * **************** The program reads plain text; the first line must be the number n of nodes ; then comes a series of lines of the form 'i j' meaning that node 'i' has degree 'j', and then a series of lines of the form 'u v' meaning that nodes 'u' and 'v' are linked together. There *must* be no duplicate lines, and 'u v' also stands for 'v u'. The nodes must be numbers from 0 to n-1. There must be no loop 'u u'. The program makes basic verifications but may crash or give wrong answers if the input is incorrect. Example : 3 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 1 0 2 2 1 (3 nodes, thus numbered from 0 to 2, node 0 has degree 2, node 1 has degree 2, and node 2 has degree 2 too, and the links are 0 1, 0 2 and 2 1) * COMMAND LINE OPTIONS * ************************ The program supports basic options to specify the computation method one wants to use (edge-iterator, forward, compact forward, or the new one, see the paper above and the reference therein), and to specify the output (number of triangles (-c), clustering coefficients (-cc) and/or number of triangles containing each node (-p)). Calling the program with wrong options (or with no option) makes it print out the list of possible options and their use. * OUTPUT * ********** The program writes the results on the standard output. Thus, if you want to save them you should redirect it, using typically './tr -p -n 1000 < data_file > result_file'. Moreover, the program writes some information on what it is doing on the standard error output. You may want to discard or redirect this to a file. * PORTABILITY * *************** The program is mainly written in ANSI C, with standard libraries. Some of them however are typical of Linux/Unix systems and may be absent on other systems. They are *not* used for the triangle computations, but mainly to measure the execution time. They may therefore be removed; the concerned lines are indicated in the source file.