Complex network sample analysis software

The analysis of complex networks has raised much interest in the last few years. However, these networks are not directly available in general: in order to study them, one has to obtain samples through intricate measurement procedures.

Until now, very little is known about the representativity of such samples: are the observed properties (the ones of the samples) the ones of the actual network?

In the paper
Complex Network Measurements: Estimating the Relevance of Observed Properties, Matthieu Latapy and Clémence Magnien, Infocom'08, 2008, Phoenix, USA,
we address this question by studying the relation between the size of a sample and its properties.

This page provides the software used in this paper, as well as the data we used.

You may use and distribute the program freely, provided that you cite the paper above and this web page. It is written in C, designed for use on Unix/Linux systems, but it should be easily portable to any platform.