Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks

A bipartite graph (also called affiliation network or 2-mode data) is a graph in which nodes are in two disjoint sets and links are only between nodes of different sets. Typical examples include movies-actors networks (nodes are movies and actors, and each actor is linked to the movies he/she acts in), data exchanges (the nodes are for instance files and users, and each user is linked to the data he/she provides), etc.

In order to analyse such data, one needs appriopriate notions and tools; we proposed some contributions in this direction in the paper Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks.

The programs used to compute the statistics defined and discussed in this paper are available below. They were used to produce the numerical evaluations and plots presented in the paper, on the data available below.

All this is provided 'as is', with absolutely no warranty.

You may use and distribute the program freely, provided that you cite the paper above and this web page. It is written in C, designed for use on Unix/Linux systems, but it should be easily portable to any platform.